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How Does MIT Evaluate Extracurricular Activities in the Admission Process?

How Does MIT Evaluate Extracurricular Activities in the Admission Process?

How does MIT evaluate extracurricular activities in the admission process? At MIT, extracurricular activities are considered vital, which can positively improve the admission application process.

However, aspiring students for MIT’s experience are assessed holistically and are required to demonstrate certain extracurricular activities outside of academic achievements.

Meanwhile, this piece is meant to give you insights into the evaluation process of these extracurricular activities by MIT.

MIT to evaluate extracurricular activities admission process
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How Does MIT Evaluate Extracurricular Activities in the Admission Process?

MIT evaluations of extracurricular activities is done by advising applicants not to focus more on achieving a lot of engagements but placing value on the few things that excite and motivate the aspiring students.

However, the whole application is assessed in context, which the school expects to see even the little achievements by the applicants, based on available options, and irrespective of place of residence and school attended.

Meanwhile, there are several ways in which MIT evaluates extracurricular activities in the admission process, which are discussed below:

1. Depth of Involvement

MIT adopts an depth pattern of assessing the extracurricular activities of applicants. The school searches for those who have passionately engaged themselves in a few meaningful activities, instead of those merely dabbled in diverse engagements.

In essence, the demonstration of a strong interest in a particular endeavour over a period of time, reflects traits of dedication and preserverance, which are greatly appreciated by MIT.

2. Leadership and Initiative

MIT also places high value on applicants who not only participate in leadership activities but also act within the roles of a leader. These roles could be leading a club, spearheading a project for a community, or even leading research projects.

3. Impact and Innovation

MIT’s applicants who have attained outstanding results during their extracurricular engagements stand a greater chance of succeeding in the admissions process.

Achievements such as the creation of innovative ideas for real-world issues, leading a positive change campaign within their society, etc.

4. Passion and Authenticity

Aspiring students for MIT are encouraged to be authentic in their extracurricular engagements. They should get involved in activities that they are passionate about, such as a love for music, the arts, or the environment.

5. Consistency with Academic Interests

MIT, when evaluating applicants’ extracurricular activities, also considers the balance between it and the academic goals. Applicants with activities that are closely connected with academic aims, stand a better chance in the admission process.

6. Letters of Recommendation and Essays

MIT uses letters of recommendation and personal essays as criteria for evaluating applicants’ extracurricular engagements.

The letters of recommendation are usually received from instructors, mentors, etc., who have in-depth knowledge about them to provide reliable information about them.

Also, personal essays help aspiring students to express themselves, by highlighting more on their backgrounds, challenges, and aspirations, which will further boost their chances of admission success.

7. Continued Engagement

MIT highly values applicants who showcase unending involvement in extracurricular activities. Applicants can engage in advanced responsibilities, mentoring, or skills acquisition, as this will portray an application as one with a growth mindset.

However, since MIT has demonstrated its strong desire for students with not just strong academic achievements, aspiring students are encouraged to commence their engagement in extracurricular activities, while also putting their passions into serious consideration.


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